MONDAY JUNE 13, 2016
09.00 Registration
09.30 Welcome
09.50 Session 1 Mechanistic studies
Chair: Matthew S. Johnson
09.50 Invited talk 1
chemistry of reduced nitrogen compounds
Claus J. Nielsen
Environmental Sciences Section, University of Oslo
10.40 TBA
11.00 Sports and social activities
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Session 1 continued
Chair: Matthew S. Johnson
13.30 Invited talk 2
Intermolecular interactions in the
atmospheric clusters
Lin Du
Environment Research Institute,
Shandong University
14.20 Mechanistic
study of the OH-initiated 2-furfural degradation in the atmosphere
Emelie Graham
Sciences Section, University of Oslo
14.40 Coffee break
15.00 Session 2 Field measurements of particles
Chair: Birgitta Svenningsson
15.00 Low
Particle Formation from Induced Ageing of Ambient Air at a Salix Plantation
Erik Ahlberg
Nuclear Physics, Lund University
15.30 Scheimpflug lidar for atmospheric aerosol applications
Elin Malmqvist
Combustion Physics, Lund University
15.50 Physicochemical
properties of particulate emissions from wood stoves
Axel Eriksson
Nuclear Physics, Lund University
16.10 Ship
emissions of particles and their health effects in Sweden – A pilot study in
Stina Ausmeel
Nuclear Physics, Lund University
16.30 Poster session
18.30 Dinner
07.30 Morning run
09.00 Session 3 Sea spray
Chair: Adam Kristensson
09.00 Invited talk 3
Spray- Nature’s Best Kept Secret
Penny Vlahos
Marine Sciences & Environmental Engineering
University of Connecticut
09.50 A New Sea Spray Tank at Aarhus University
Sigurd Christiansen
Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University
10.10 Coffee break
10.40 Session 4 Halogenated compounds in the gas
Chair: Elna Heimdal Nilsson
10.40 Atmospheric
chemistry of halogenated organic compounds:from CFCs to HFOs
Mads Sulbaek Andersen
Department of Chemistry and
California State University
11.10 Atmospheric chemistry of E- and Z-CH3CH=CHCF3
Freja Østerstrøm
Copenhagen Center for Atmospheric Research
University of Copenhagen
11.30 Assessing
the impact of halogens on the chemistry of the troposphere: A 3-D global
chemical transport model interpretation of new field observations
Johan Schmidt
Department of Chemistry, University
of Copenhagen
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Session 5 Laboratory studies of particles
Chair: Merete Bilde
13.00 Studies
in the new AU cold room chamber: How temperature affects yield and composition
of a-pinene SOA
Louise Jensen
Department of Chemistry, Aarhus
13.20 Ångström coefficients as an indicator of soot maturity
Sandra Török
Combustion Physics, Lund University
13.40 Concluding remarks
1. Getachev Adnew Gas-phase
advanced oxidation as an integrated air pollution control technique
2. Christina Andersen Uptake
of Semi-volatile Phthalate Esters onto Ammonium Sulfate Particles
3. Simone Andersen Atmospheric
chemistry of (CF3)2CFCN
4. Emilie Hermansson Insignificant
climate effect from new particle formation over polluted sea areas?
5. Kasper Kristensen A
Cool Aerosol Study - effect of sub-zero temperatures on the formation of
extremely low volatility organic compounds
6. L. M. T. Joelsson Kinetic
isotope effects of 12CH3D + OH and 13CH3D
+ OH from 278 to 313 K
7. Vilhelm Malmborg Evolution
of soot properties during combustion in a modern diesel engine
8. Johan Martinsson Annual
variations and source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol using a high time
resolution light absorption technique
9. Elna Nilsson Modeling
and laser diagnostics of ozone chemistry at intermediate temperatures
10. Johan Schmidt Clumped
isotope perturbation in tropospheric nitrous oxide from stratospheric
11. Cerina Wittbom Combining
CCN Activation and Hygroscopic Growth of Anthropogenic SOA Particles
12. Freja Østerstrøm Atmospheric
chemistry of (CF3)2CHOCH3, (CF3)2CHOCHO
and CF3C(O)OCH3